Migraine is a headache that leads to serious pulsating pain or a throbbing sensation, normally on one side of the head. It's frequently accompanied by nausea, vomiting and a sensitivity to sound and light. Migraine attack can last for hours to days, and the pain can be extreme that it impedes one's daily activities.

What can trigger Migraine?

Migraine attacks can be triggered by several factors which include:

Emotional stress:

It is perhaps the most well-known triggers of migraine headache.

Missing a meal:

Delay in having a meal may trigger migraine headache.

Aversion to certain preservatives & chemicals in food varieties:

Certain food sources and beverages, for example: cheddar, cocktails, chocolate and food additive substances like nitrates and fermented or salted foods might trigger up to 30% of migraines.


Having too much of caffeine or withdrawal from caffeine can cause headaches when the caffeine level suddenly drops.

Daily utilization of pain appeasing medicines

. If you utilize medication intended to soothe migraine pain repeatedly, their withdrawal causes a rebound headache.

Hormonal changes in females:

The sudden drop in estrogen levels, during menses can trigger migraine. Hormonal changes can likewise be caused by oral contraceptive pills and hormone replacement therapy.


Bright lights, glare , light from the TV or PC and sunlight can trigger Migraine headache.

Make an appointment with migraine specialist in Secunderabad for best treatment of migraine in east marredpally at best neurology hospital.

What is the treatment of Migraine?

Migraine can't be totally cured , yet the specialist doctor can assist in reducing the severity and frequency of migraine attacks by giving you the tools to treat symptoms when they happen, preventive treatments which prompt less attacks overall. Treatment can assist with making migraine less serious.

When should I seek immediate help?

Call emergency department right away if:

  1. You are encountering the worst headache of your life.
  2. You are having neurologic signs and symptoms that you've never had, including difficulty in speech, balance issues, vision issues, mental disarray, seizures or desensitizing/shivering sensations.
  3. Your headache comes abruptly and unexpectedly.
  4. You have a headache after encountering a head injury.

Plan a visit with your best neurologist in Secunderabad if:

  1. The number or severity of your migraine increase or your headache pattern changes.
  2. Your drugs presently don't appear to be working or you’ve experienced new or different side effects.
Migraine Treatment in Secunderabad

Dr. Niveditha Sai Chandra A

MBBS, MD(Gen.Med), DrNB Neurology from KMC Hospital , Mangalore. (Manipal Academy of Higher Education- MAHE)

Consultant Neurophysician